Madagascar Unique Discovery Tours


A Treasure of Biodiversity and Culture

Separated from Africa 165 million years ago and located 400 km from the African coast, Madagascar is the fourth largest island in the world, with an area of 592,000 km2 and a flora and fauna unique from all others. 

Madagascar is an island to explore for its unique culture from Malayo-Polynesian immigrant people mixed with Africans resulting in a”BLASIAN” population.

Lemurs are considered the main attractions of Madagascar, with over 110 species and subspecies, 100% of which are endemic. But other mammals such as the fossa, and the incredible bird life and array of chameleons and geckos cannot be overlooked.

" A trip of a lifetime "

Madagascar Unique Discovery Tours

Our Services

Our tours

For an unique discovery
About us

Madagascar Unique Discovery Tours

Madagascar Unique Discovery Tours is an initiatory and receptive travel agency and tour operator

Created by professionals who love Madagascar and have worked in the field of tourism for more than 10 years, Madagascar Unique Discovery Tours designs unique products that provide sensational and unforgettable experiences. As importantly, we impart an understanding and appreciation for this authentic destination full of unique encounters and discoveries.


What Our Clients Say


Michael Machado

Sariaka is a Special Guide My wife and I had already been in Madagascar for 26 days. When you initially enter the country US citizens are only allowed a 30 Day Visa. We wanted to stay more than 60 days. Our original Tour company could not help us. So at the end of our 23 day tour our Tour Company introduced us to a "Local" Guide. Enter Sariaka, Madagascar Unique Tours. We had only 4 days to get a visa extension. We learned that getting an extension is not an easy task especially if you neither read, write or speak Malagasy or French. She spent an entire day taking us from one office to another filling out paperwork and negotiating with Immigration officers. We would never have been able to negotiate the paper, pen and people bureaucracy. NO Technology. She did it. We are not your usual travelers as we like to be flexible and make specific plans only a week to two out. With an extra 60 days Sariaka was a wealth of information and contacts. With her guidance we were able to put together an especially memorable 48 more days traveling Madagascar with our own driver and car for 15 days included. Ask her about Montasoa and Nosy Soa Park!!

Dr Michele Tennant and Dr Michael Myamoto

My husband and I have used MUDT to arrange four of our trips to Madagascar, as well as a week-long component of our 2023 study abroad course. Whether sending us to remote sites like fishing village (Andavadoaka) and the home of the reed lemur (Lac Alaotra), or more highly touristed areas like Ranomafana and Andasibe-Mantadia National Parks, MUDT has excelled in arranging comfortable housing, reliable transportation, and knowledgeable guides. By having connections with an extensive array of parks, reserves, and non-governmental agencies, MUDT can develop unique cultural and wildlife programming to suit any interest, and is able to arrange lodging at any level, from basic to posh. For our study abroad course, MUDT went above and beyond to develop programming that was of interest to our major-diverse group of students. We highly recommend MUDT for your trip to Madagascar.

These are the trips that you arranged for us:
- 2019 – Palmariam and Lac Alaotra
- June 2022 – Tana, Ranomafana, RN7, Ifaty/Toliara, Andasibe
- Dec 2022 – Palmarium, Ifaty/Toliara, Andava, Andasibe, Tamatave
- June 2023 – Andava
- Study abroad – First 2 days in Tana, Ifaty/Toliara, Andava


Le chauffeur Jocelyn était super sympa, c’était très bien organisé. L’hôtel était chouette, très beau dans un cadre de verdure fort sympathique. Toutes les excursions ont été comprises et ça c’était très bien. Par ailleurs, on a pu vraiment tout faire malgré la météo, donc un très grand grand merci Sariaka à toi et à ta société ! Jérôme (circuit de 3 jours à Andasibe)

Our Partners

A stay in Madagascar

Madagascar, a privileged destination for lovers of fauna and flora.


Air France, Ethiopian Airlines, Air Mauritius, Kenya Airways, Air austral, Turkish Airlines, Emirates, Corsair international, Madagascar Airlines, Delta Airlines, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, Airlink, Ewa Air, Neos, United Airlines
Between April and November. Some sites remain inaccessible during the rainy season.

Before travelling, make sure your passport is valid for at least six months beyond the date of your trip.

Your visa can be obtained on arrival in Madagascar. It costs 10$ for a stay less than 15 days, 37$ for a stay from 15 days to one month. It must be paid in cash, so it is advisable to bring small notes as the local authorities have no change. No passport photo is required, just an up-to-date passport and the required amount.

We organise all types of trip, whether for individuals or groups. The tours offered on our website are for guidance only, but we can design your tour to suit your wishes and budget.
No compulsory vaccinations for visiting Madagascar. But it is advisable to consult your GP before travelling. It is also advisable to take out travel insurance for Madagascar.

In Madagascar, good deals are found on every street corner. And it’s not at all expensive: you should preview round $10 to $20 per meal.

It’s also advisable to buy organic products during your stay. Please ask your guide’s advice if you’re not sure about a product.

Madagascar Unique Discovery Tours

Contact Us

Don’t hesitate to contact us for any questions, information requests, or to book your next adventure in Madagascar.